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Failing the Grace of Divine Enablement part 3©

Writer's picture: Apostle Lynn'Da ThreatApostle Lynn'Da Threat

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1 John 2:1 My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:

After the work of He the Holy Spirit has brought deep conviction and the progressive work of the Spirit that follows – the deep humility, the reverential fear of the Lord, being broken and contrite, seeing the error of our way, the joy and gladness of when our fellowship has returned – then we are forgiven, acquitted; we are emancipated, delivered; we are purged, washed and cleansed; and we are now readied for service to the King and His eternal purposes.

How then do we deal with the loss of time – both kairos and chronos – and the loss of opportunity and impartation?

This is when we see God’s love and power exhibited in the restoration and redemption of all things lost. He gathers that which was lost, He returns that which was stolen, He heals that which was sick (Mark 16:18). He mends that which was broken and gives us back what our offense has taken. And in a demonstration of His power He restores back seven-fold that which was lost. We experience God’s great mercy in the saving strength of His right hand. Psalm 20:6

We should observe the strong admonition of times and seasons, and the experiences of grace beyond our imagination, in order to access and ascend to the superior work of the Spirit in our faculties to obey what is required. Not to be careless, not to be reckless, but to be a sentry, to watch, to observe, to be sober-minded, to quiet yourself, to be still and know.

Forsake and turn away from unprofitable practices, customs, and habits. Mindless habits make you conscious of your natural need, but distant to your sensitivity to spiritual instruction.

As we covered in the previous Chronicle, there is a difference in being snared in a sin – and deliberately and intentionally choosing to rebel against a God-directed obedience. It affects the psyche differently. It makes you feel undeserving because you did it through an act of your volition.

One of the purposes of the fast is to break strongholds and bloodline and generational curses that are perpetuated and sustained through habit, and cause us to miss the voice and direction of the Holy Spirit.

One of the ways of ensuring we do not miss His voice is to develop a new listen. The following are what I believe are the requirements of a new listen:

1. A reverential fear of the Lord, the regard for spiritual authority, and the forsaking of familiarity.

2. The cry for deep humility, the utter absolution of lies, and the relinquishment of pretense.

3. The desire to be broken and contrite, available and flexible – to receive a greater revelation of responsibility and accountability.

4. The willingness to abandon and forsake, release and relinquish, give up and let go of personal prejudice, liens, preference, and bias.

5. The silencing of the soul, the renouncing of inordinate affections, and the establishment of new relationship that yields right honor and recognition of He, the Holy Spirit.

During your fast, be cognizant of developing a new capacity to hear the Lord and to respond to the instructions - and the grace that accompanies those instructions - when He gives them. You will be astonished at how much frustration you will avoid and how much impartation you will receive when they are followed with swift and consistent obedience.

2 Corinthians 2:14 Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.



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